A school mission statement can help parents and students determine what is offered and if the way they provide it lines up with parents and students’ educational goals.

The Capitol High School Alumni Association’s mission is to build strong and mutually beneficial ties between the school and its diverse alumni; foster goodwill in the community creating a dynamic alumni program that will stimulate interest, build loyalty, increase involvement and generate support for the school. We seek to increase opportunities for meaningful engagement in order to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteer involvement, and philanthropic commitment to Capitol High School.
It shall be the purpose of CHSAA to:
Promote interaction with and among Alumni;
Highlight the achievements of its Alumni;
Keep Alumni Conversant with school programs and activities;
Provide financial support to the school and its programs;
Develop alumni programs that foster fellowship among alumni and encourage the physical, moral, and spiritual growth of the school; and
Assist the school in the growth of its academic, administrative, cultural, and extracurricular activities.